2023 North Dakota Medicare Part D Plan (PDP) Statistics*
CMS Region 25 includes (IA MN MT NE ND SD WY)
Statistic |
2023 |
Change 23-22 |
2022 |
Change 22-21 |
2021 |
Total Number of Part D Drug Plans
View list of National Providers | 24 |
2 |
22 |
-6 |
28 |
Nbr of Enhanced (EA) Plans |
15 |
2 |
13 |
-4 |
17 |
Nbr of Basic (BA, DS, AE) Plans |
9 |
0 |
9 |
-2 |
11 |
Nbr of $0 Deductible Plans |
4 |
0 |
4 |
0 |
4 |
Lowest Premium for a $0 Deductible Plan |
$71.40 |
$2.50 |
$68.90 |
$-1.30 |
$70.20 |
$0 Deductible Plans (percentage) |
17% |
-2% |
18% |
4% |
14% |
Number of Plans with a Premium under $25 |
6 |
2 |
4 |
-4 |
8 |
Percentage of Plans with a Premium under $25 |
25% |
7% |
18% |
-10% |
29% |
Lowest Cost PDP (Premium)
View details of Lowest Cost Plan(s) | $4.70 |
$-2.10 |
$6.80 |
$-0.50 |
$7.30 |
Highest Cost PDP (Premium)
View details of Highest Cost Plan(s) | $113.60 |
$-2.50 |
$116.10 |
$11.40 |
$104.70 |
Average PDP Premium (Cost) |
$47.78 |
$-0.79 |
$48.57 |
$5.58 |
$42.99 |
% Change in Avg. PDP Costs |
-- |
-2% |
-- |
13% |
-- |
Avg. Weighted PDP Premium** |
$35.92 |
$0.75 |
$35.17 |
$0.32 |
$34.85 |
% Change Weighted Avg. PDP Costs** |
-- |
2% |
-- |
1% |
-- |
Number of PDPs with Any Gap Coverage in the Gap (Donut Hole) |
5 |
2 |
3 |
-1 |
4 |
Percentage of PDPs with Any Gap Coverage |
21% |
7% |
14% |
-1% |
14% |
Lowest Cost PDP with Any Gap Coverage
View coverage type / premium details |
$56.70 |
$4.70 |
$52.00 |
$2.80 |
$49.20 |
Total Beneficiaries with LIS |
17,354 |
0 |
15,997 |
0 |
15,925 |
LIS Benchmark Premium |
$39.87 |
$0.99 |
$38.88 |
$0.92 |
37.96 |
Total Nbr of LIS Qualified Plans | 6 |
0 |
6 |
-1 |
7 |
Premium Changes for Persons Staying in their Current Plan View premium detail chart |
Number of PDPs with Premium Decrease |
9 |
-1 |
10 |
3 |
7 |
Number of PDPs with No Premium Change |
0 |
-1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
Number of PDPs with Premium Increase |
12 |
-5 |
17 |
-2 |
19 |
Percentage of People with a Premium Increase |
43.7% |
-23.01% |
67% |
-17.91% |
85% |
Weighted Average Increase for People with a Premium Increase |
$4.87 |
$-2.46 |
$7.33 |
$-0.13 |
$7.46 |
Note: *Stand-alone Medicare Prescription Drug Plans (PDP)s only. Data for MA-PD plans not included. Sanctioned plans are included in this data. . **The plan premium weighted averages are calculated by multiplying the plan premium by the number of enrollees in the plan to give more "weight" to plans with more members.
2023 Premium Changes for Persons Staying in their 2022 Plan |
Premium Change Range | Total number of Plans in this Change Range |
$-3.50 to $0.5 | * * * * * * * * * -- total: 9 plans |
$1.5 to $5.5 | * * * * * * * * -- total: 8 plans |
$6.5 to $10.5 | * * -- total: 2 plans |
$11.5 to $15.5 | 0 plans |
$16.5 to $20.5 | * -- total: 1 plan |
$21.5 to $25.5 | 0 plans |
$26.5 to $30.5 | * -- total: 1 plan | |
Details for the Min. and Max. Premium Plans in 2023 |
H/L | State | Plan Name | Prem. | Ded. | Gap Coverage | Benefit Type |
Low | IA MN MT NE ND SD WY | SilverScript SmartSaver (PDP) | $4.70 | $505.00 | No Gap Coverage | Enhanced |
High | IA MN MT NE ND SD WY | MedicareBlue Rx Premier (PDP) | $113.60 | $0.00 | Yes | Enhanced | |
The chart above shows the details of the least expensive and most |
expensive plans available for 2023.
Min. and Max. Premium Plans in 2022 and how the plan changes in 2023 |
H/L | Year | State | Plan Name | Prem. | Ded. | Gap Coverage | Benefit Type |
Low | 2022 | IA MN MT NE ND SD WY | SilverScript SmartRx (PDP) | $6.80 | $480.00 | No Gap Coverage | Enhanced |
| 2023 | IA MN MT NE ND SD WY | SilverScript SmartSaver (PDP) | $4.70 | $505.00 | No Gap Coverage | Enhanced |
High | 2022 | IA MN MT NE ND SD WY | MedicareBlue Rx Premier (PDP) | $116.10 | $0.00 | Yes | Enhanced |
| 2023 | IA MN MT NE ND SD WY | MedicareBlue Rx Premier (PDP) | $113.60 | $0.00 | Yes | Enhanced | |
The chart above details the least (and most) expensive plan in 2022 and |
plan features and costs should you stay in the same plan in 2023.
Gap Coverage Types and Minimum Premium for 2023 Part D Plans |
2023 Gap Coverage Details |
Gap Coverage Type | Number of Plans | Minimum Premium |
No Gap Coverage | 19 | $4.70 |
Yes | 5 | $56.70 |
2022 Gap Coverage Details |
Gap Coverage Type | Number of Plans | Minimum Premium |
No Gap Coverage | 19 | $6.80 |
Yes | 3 | $52.00 |
Notes: Click the Gap Coverage Type above to see plan details for 2023 North Dakota plans. |
Gap coverage applies to formulary drugs only. The Healthcare Reform provides that for Plan Year 2023, ALL formulary generics will have at least a 75% discount and ALL brand drugs will have at least a 75% discount in the coverage gap. The Gap Coverage discussed in this section is in addition to the Healthcare Reform mandated discounts.
2023 North Dakota $0 Premium LIS Qualified Part D Plans |
2023 LIS Qualifying Plans |
Plan Name | Plan ID |
AARP MedicareRx Saver Plus (PDP) | S5921-370 |
Cigna Secure Rx (PDP) | S5617-123 |
Clear Spring Health Value Rx (PDP) | S6946-022 |
Humana Basic Rx Plan (PDP) | S5884-145 |
SilverScript Choice (PDP) | S5601-050 |
Wellcare Classic (PDP) | S4802-089 |
2022 LIS Qualifying Plans |
Plan Name | Plan ID |
AARP MedicareRx Saver Plus (PDP) | S5921-370 |
Cigna Secure Rx (PDP) | S5617-123 |
Clear Spring Health Value Rx (PDP) | S6946-022 |
Humana Basic Rx Plan (PDP) | S5884-145 |
SilverScript Choice (PDP) | S5601-050 |
Wellcare Classic (PDP) | S4802-089 |
Note: Click heading above to see details of LIS qualifying plans in North Dakota.
Please note, not all plans are available in every state.
List of National PDP Providers with Plans available in North Dakota |
2023 National PDP Providers |
Aetna Medicare |
Cigna |
Clear Spring Health |
Elixir Insurance |
Humana |
Mutual of Omaha Rx |
UnitedHealthcare |
Wellcare |
Note: Click heading above to see PDP plans and details for North Dakota.