Example 1: Initial coverage stage
This example show what your Explanation of Benefits (EOB) might look like if you are in the initial coverage phase of your Medicare Part D coverage. Your out-of-pocket costs and total drug costs are shown in the grey box above the chart.
Example 3: Initial coverage stage, with LIS, and payments from plan and Extra Help
The charts on this page are provided in the model documents released by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
Notes: If you switched plans during the year, your TrOOP and Total Drugs costs will be shown in this chart using the following text:
TrOOP: "(This total includes $[insert the TrOOP balance transferred from prior plan] in out-of-pocket costs from when you were in a different plan earlier this year.)"
Total Drug Costs: "(This total includes $[insert the Total Drug Costs balance transferred from prior plan] in total drug costs from when you were in a different plan earlier this year.)"