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Changes to the Medicare Supplement landscape: Medigap Plan C, Plan F, and High-Deductible Plan F no longer available.

Category: Medicare Supplements - Medigap
Published: Jul 15, 2020 04:42:31

In 2015, the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) was passed eliminating Medicare Supplements that cover the cost of the Medicare Part B deductible - and this includes Plan C, Plan F, and high-deductible Plan F (some of the most popular Medicare Supplements).

What is a Medicare Supplement or Medigap plan?

A Medicare Supplement policy (or Medigap plan) works together with your original Medicare coverage, filling the “gaps” (deductibles, coinsurance, co-payments, and out-of-pocket costs) in your Medicare Part A (in-patient or hospital insurance) and Medicare Part B (out-patient or physician insurance) coverage.  Medicare Supplements are offered by private insurance company (such as United HealthCare) and provide additional coverage to your original Medicare Part A and Part B coverage.

Is the Part B deductible a significant cost?

Not exactly.  The annual Medicare Part B deductible is not a large amount of money for many people, but the Part B deductible can change (increase) year-to-year.

For example, the 2023 Medicare Part B deductible is $226 - down $7 from the 2022 Medicare Part B deductible of $233 - which was up $30 from the 2021 Medicare Part B deductible of $203 (which is a $5 more than the 2020 Part B deductible of $198).

So why exclude coverage of the Part B deductible from Medicare Supplements?

Industry expert John Gorman noted that: "MACRA found Medicare beneficiaries with first-dollar coverage were among the highest utilizers of health services anywhere. Most of MACRA, a rare exercise in healthcare bipartisanship, was about Medicare physician payment, but one tiny section banned the sale of Medigap plans that cover the Part B deductible, with a goal of giving seniors more 'skin in the game.'"

As background, . . .

In past years, Medigap Plan F was one of the most popular Medicare Supplements with a high monthly premium, but coverage of all Medicare deductibles, cost-sharing (co-pays and co-insurance), and out-of-pocket costs.  Plan C usually has a slightly lower monthly premium as compared to Plan F, but does not cover excess Part B charges that can be added by some physicians - some people chose a Medicare Supplement Plan C to save on monthly premiums. And finally, the high-deductible Medigap Plan F has a very low monthly premium and an annual deductible that must be met before the Medigap plan pays out-of-pocket costs.

The result of MACRA . . .

Starting January 1st, 2020, Medicare Supplement providers will no longer offer Medigap Plan C, Plan F, and High-Deductible Plan F to people newly eligible for Medicare benefits.

Can a person who already has one of these Medicare Supplements keep their plan?

Yes.  People who are already enrolled in a Plan C, Plan F, or high-deductible Plan F before 2020 can keep their existing polices - although current Medigap members might expect that their monthly premiums will increase over time as the plan's "risk pool" shifts due to the loss of new, healthier plan members who usually keep monthly premiums lower.

What alternative Medigap plans are available beyond 2020?

Experts in the industry expect that many people entering the Medigap market after 2020 will simply choose alternative Medigap plans that do not cover the Medicare Part B deductible - and have a lower premium than these soon-to-be discontinued plans.  Often the lower monthly premiums of the alternative Medigap plans offset the cost of the Medicare Part B deductible.  For example, people who would have chosen a Medigap Plan F may choose the Plan G (with slightly lower premium - but providing no coverage of the Part B deductible).

People already enrolled in a Medigap Plan F, and who find their premiums increasing, may also wish to move to a Plan G offered by their same Medicare Supplement carrier since there should be no medical underwriting as Plan G offers less coverage (the Part B deductible) than Plan F.

John Gorman (in the article cited above), also predicts that many Medicare beneficiaries may move to Medicare Advantage PPOs as an alternative to a Medicare Supplement.

Medicare Supplements vs. Medicare Advantage plans

As a reminder: a Medicare Supplement is not the same as a Medicare Advantage plan.

Medicare Supplements work together with your original Medicare coverage, filling the “gaps” (deductibles and co-payments) in your Medicare Part A (in-patient or hospital insurance) and Medicare Part B (out-patient or physician insurance) coverage.  In short, Medicare Supplements provide coverage in addition to your original Medicare Part A and Part B coverage.  Modern Medigap plans do not provide drug coverage and you will need to purchase a stand-alone Medicare Part D prescription drug plan (PDP) for your prescription needs (or have some other form of drug coverage - like VA drug coverage).  Medigap plans are regulated by the state, and for the most part, Medigap plan coverage is standardized across the country (with a few state exceptions, such as Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Wisconsin).

Medicare Advantage plans act as administers of your original Medicare Part A and Part B coverage.  Medicare Advantage plans must offer coverage at least as good as your original Medicare and often add additional benefits like (limited) vision, dental, hearing and/or wellness programs (such as Silver Sneakers) - some plans may also add transportation services and nutrition assistance.  Medicare Advantage plan may include drug coverage (and are called MAPDs) - or the Medicare Advantage plan may come without drug coverage (MAs).  Medicare Advantage plans may also be designed for people with specific economic or physical needs and are called Special Needs Plans (SNPs).

To read more about how a Medigap policy compares to a Medicare Advantage plan, please see our Frequently Asked Questions: Q1FAQ.com/397

Finding a Medicare Supplement . . .

If you are searching for a Medigap plan in your area please call or visit a local insurance agent - telephone the company offering or sponsoring the Medigap plan (such as United HealthCare or AARP) - or call a Medicare representative at 1-800-633-4227 (1-800-Medicare) or visit (https://www.medicare.gov/find-a-plan/questions/medigap-home.aspx) - or visit your local SHIP office and speak with a SHIP volunteer.

And the official word from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) . . .

"Starting January 1, 2020, Medigap plans sold to people new to Medicare won’t be allowed to cover the Part B deductible.  Because of this, Plans C and F will no longer be available to people who are new to Medicare on or after January 1, 2020.

–If you already have either of these two plans (or the high deductible version of Plan F) or are covered by one of these plans prior to January 1, 2020, you will be able to keep your plan.  If you were eligible for Medicare before January 1, 2020 but not yet enrolled, you may be able to buy one of these plans.

–People new to Medicare are those who turn 65 on or after January 1, 2020, and those who first become eligible for Medicare benefits due to age, disability or ESRD on or after January 1, 2020."

(from the CMS document "2019 Choosing a Medigap Policy: A Guide to Health Insurance for People with Medicare")

As reference to MACRA . . .

Here is the actual language from the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (04/16/2015 Public Law No: 114-10):

Subtitle A--Medicare Beneficiary Reforms
Sec. 401. Limitation on certain medigap policies for newly eligible Medicare beneficiaries.

Section 1882 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395ss) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:
"(z) Limitation on Certain Medigap Policies for Newly Eligible Medicare Beneficiaries.--
    "(1) In general.-- Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, on or after January 1, 2020, a medicare supplemental policy that provides coverage of the part B deductible, including any such policy (or rider to such a policy) issued under a waiver granted under subsection (p)(6), may not be sold or issued to a newly eligible Medicare beneficiary.
   "(2) Newly eligible medicare beneficiary defined.--
In this subsection, the term `newly eligible Medicare beneficiary' means an individual who is neither of the following:
        "(A) An individual who has attained age 65 before January 1, 2020.
        "(B) An individual who was entitled to benefits under part A pursuant to section 226(b) or 226A, or
deemed to be eligible for benefits under section 226(a), before January 1, 2020.
   ‘‘(3) TREATMENT OF WAIVERED STATES.—In the case of a State described in subsection (p)(6), nothing in this section shall be construed as preventing the State from modifying its alternative simplification program under such subsection so as to eliminate the coverage of the part B deductible [$185 in 2019, up from the - compare to the 2015 Medicare Part B deductible of $147] for any medical supplemental policy sold or issued under such program to a newly eligible Medicare beneficiary on or after January 1, 2020.
In the case of a newly eligible Medicare beneficiary, except as the Secretary may otherwise provide, any reference in this section to a medicare supplemental policy which has a benefit package classified as ‘C’ or ‘F’ shall be deemed, as of January 1, 2020, to be a reference to a medicare supplemental policy which has a benefit package classified as ‘D’ or ‘G’, respectively.
   ‘‘(5) ENFORCEMENT.—The penalties described in clause (ii) of subsection (d)(3)(A) shall apply with respect to a violation of paragraph (1) in the same manner as it applies to a violation of clause (i) of such subsection.’’.

[emphasis added]

** And a Special Thanks to Robert L. for his well-timed correction

Additional sources include:


Tips & Disclaimers
  • Q1Medicare®, Q1Rx®, and Q1Group® are registered Service Marks of Q1Group LLC and may not be used in any advertising, publicity, or for commercial purposes without the express authorization of Q1Group.
  • The Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D prescription drug plan data on our site comes directly from Medicare and is subject to change.
  • Medicare has neither reviewed nor endorsed the information on our site.
  • We provide our Q1Medicare.com site for educational purposes and strive to present unbiased and accurate information. However, Q1Medicare is not intended as a substitute for your lawyer, doctor, healthcare provider, financial advisor, or pharmacist. For more information on your Medicare coverage, please be sure to seek legal, medical, pharmaceutical, or financial advice from a licensed professional or telephone Medicare at 1-800-633-4227.
  • We are an independent education, research, and technology company. We are not affiliated with any Medicare plan, plan carrier, healthcare provider, or insurance company. We are not compensated for Medicare plan enrollments. We do not sell leads or share your personal information.
  • Benefits, formulary, pharmacy network, provider network, premium and/or co-payments/co-insurance may change on January 1 of each year. Our PDPCompare.com and MACompare.com provide highlights of annual plan benefit changes.
  • The benefit information provided is a brief summary, not a complete description of benefits. For more information contact the plan.
  • Limitations, copayments, and restrictions may apply.
  • We make every effort to show all available Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage plans in your service area. However, since our data is provided by Medicare, it is possible that this may not be a complete listing of plans available in your service area. For a complete listing please contact 1-800-MEDICARE (TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048), 24 hours a day/7 days a week or consult www.medicare.gov.
    Statement required by Medicare:
    "We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options."
  • When enrolling in a Medicare Advantage plan, you must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium.
  • Medicare beneficiaries with higher incomes may be required to pay both a Medicare Part B and Medicare Part D Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA). Read more on IRMAA.
  • Medicare Advantage plans that include prescription drug coverage (MAPDs) are considered Medicare Part D plans and members with higher incomes may be subject to the Medicare Part D Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA), just as members in stand-alone Part D plans. In certain situations, you can appeal IRMAA.
  • You must be enrolled in both Medicare Part A and Part B to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan. Members may enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan only during specific times of the year. Contact the Medicare plan for more information.
  • If you are enrolled in a Medicare plan with Part D prescription drug coverage, you may be eligible for financial Extra Help to assist with the payment of your prescription drug premiums and drug purchases. To see if you qualify for Extra Help, call: 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048, 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week or consult www.medicare.gov; the Social Security Office at 1-800-772-1213 between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. TTY users should call, 1-800-325-0778; or your state Medicaid Office.
  • Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-Star rating system. Star Ratings are calculated each year and may change from one year to the next.
  • A Medicare Advantage Private Fee-for-Service plan (PFFS) is not a Medicare supplement plan. Providers who do not contract with the plan are not required to see you except in an emergency.
  • Disclaimer for Institutional Special Needs Plan (SNP): This plan is available to anyone with Medicare who meets the Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) level of care and resides in a nursing home.
  • Disclaimer for Dual Eligible (Medicare/Medicaid) Special Needs Plan (SNP): This plan is available to anyone who has both Medical Assistance from the State and Medicare. Premiums, co-pays, co-insurance, and deductibles may vary based on the level of Extra Help you receive. Please contact the plan for further details.
  • Disclaimer for Chronic Condition Special Needs Plan (SNP): This plan is available to anyone with Medicare who has been diagnosed with the plan specific Chronic Condition.
  • Medicare MSA Plans combine a high deductible Medicare Advantage Plan and a trust or custodial savings account (as defined and/or approved by the IRS). The plan deposits money from Medicare into the account. You can use this money to pay for your health care costs, but only Medicare-covered expenses count toward your deductible. The amount deposited is usually less than your deductible amount, so you generally have to pay out-of-pocket before your coverage begins.
  • Medicare MSA Plans do not cover prescription drugs. If you join a Medicare MSA Plan, you can also join any separate (stand-alone) Medicare Part D prescription drug plan
  • There are additional restrictions to join an MSA plan, and enrollment is generally for a full calendar year unless you meet certain exceptions. Those who disenroll during the calendar year will owe a portion of the account deposit back to the plan. Contact the plan provider for additional information.
  • Medicare beneficiaries may enroll through the CMS Medicare Online Enrollment Center located at www.medicare.gov.
  • Medicare beneficiaries can file a complaint with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services by calling 1-800-MEDICARE 24 hours a day/7 days or using the medicare.gov site. Beneficiaries can appoint a representative by submitting CMS Form-1696.