Where can I get my prescriptions filled?
Each company offering a Medicare drug plan will have a list of pharmacies you can use. If you want to continue filling prescriptions at the same pharmacy you use now, you should check to see if the pharmacy is on the plan’s list. You can call the plan, your pharmacy, or 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227), or visit
www.medicare.gov on the web to see if your pharmacy works with the plan you want to join.
Once you join a Medicare drug plan, the company will send you a pharmacy provider directory. Generally, you must go to one of the pharmacies listed in this directory for your plan to cover your prescriptions. Medicare requires plans to have pharmacies for you to choose from. Plans can’t require you to use a mail order pharmacy, but you may have the option to do so.
(Primary Source: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services - Your Guide to Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage 2008. This content may have been enhanced by Q1Group LLC to include further examples, explanations, and links.)