The left side of the Medicare Plan Finder summary page shows some of the options available for the user. In this area, we can decide to un-check the Medicare plan types that we do not want to consider at this time. In this example, we will un-check Medicare Health Plans without drug coverage and Medicare Health Plans with drug coverage. This means that we will only be looking at Medicare Part D prescription drug plans. We will not change any of the other variables that are adjustable (like Initial Deductible or amount of the monthly premium).
Too many Medicare plan choices?
One of the difficult parts about choosing a Medicare plan each year is trying to decide what type of plan you want for the next year. Stand-alone Medicare Part D prescription drug plans (or PDPs) only provide you with prescription drug coverage without any additional health plan coverage (aside what you get from your Original Medicare Part A (In-patient hospital coverage) and Medicare Part B (out-patient doctors office visits)). Medicare Advantage plans without prescription drug coverage provide you only Medicare health benefits and no prescription drug coverage (or MAs). Medicare Advantage plans that also offer prescription drug coverage (or MA-PDs) provide both Medicare health and prescription drug coverage - often at a very low or $0 monthly premium. However, a Medicare Advantage plan can also come in different forms and provide additional service. In short, the analysis of choosing a Medicare Advantage plan is much more complicated than choosing just a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan. To begin this example, we will only examine stand-alone Medicare Part D prescription drug plans that do not include additional Medicare Part A or Medicare Part B coverage.
All kinds of options to help you narrow your Medicare plan search - which do you need?
We usually do not change many of the options that are available to us, unless we are looking for a very specific type of Medicare plan. If you do decide to change options, make sure you click on "Update Plan Results" or the changes you made will be lost. Let us take a look at some of the options.